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Welcome to the T&T Artists Directory!

Here's how to get the most out of it

Follow this guide to maximize use of resources on this platform

You made it! Your art profile has been successfully added to the directory. Now what?

Share Your Profile

This profile serves as an introduction to your artistry. It is the primary profile we present to collectors interested in local artistry, featuring a detailed description of your work, links to purchase your pieces, and contact information for following you online and via email. Be encouraged to share your profile as well!

  • Add it the bio in your Instagram (TikTok/ Facebook) page

  • Post in your stories with the clickable link feature

  • Share to your WhatsApp status and other social platforms you use

  • Email to people that support your art journey

  • Motivate others to share it too

Tag Online

You are encouraged to share your artistry online. Remember to mention so that we can keep track of your latest posts and share them with our followers.

  • Increase your visibility

  • Reach a wider audience

  • Help us stay updated with your artistry

Feature Your Art in the Webstore

Feature your artwork in the online store to conveniently display your art, products, and services virtually. To add additional items to your collection, simply send a request via email to and instructions for the next steps will be provided to you.

Please do not be shy about this resource. It serves as your online art shop, so make sure to promote it consistently. Big brands continuously advertise their products. They don't need to, we already know about them, but they still promote multiple times, multiple ways, EVERYDAY. Let this inspire you to share your artistry at least weekly.

  • Share with co-workers and school mates

  • Send the link to friends and family

  • Show to potential customers

Use Resources

A main goal of this platform is to provide you with resources to grow your artistry. If you are not using them, you are missing out. If there is an option that you are interested in, send a request via email to and more info will be provided to you.

While many opportunities are free, please note that some resources have an attached fee, but fortunately, as an artist on the directory you access exclusive discounts and complimentary options.

To sell your art/ products -

To create or host events -

  • Book the T&T Artists Studio Gallery: materials available, multiple rooms, parking, kitchen, bathrooms, art display, wall space, AC

To teach or join classes -

  • Join the team of instructors at the T&T Artists Studio Gallery for weekly classes

To improve your online presence and content -

  • Use the recording tools available.

  • Join the marketing programs to improve your online content and connect with your audience.

  • Explore marketing options: content creation, blog, email newsletter, promo campaign

  • Visit studio for photoshoots and content assistance

To promote the platform -

  • Join the Referral Program

  • Refer artists to the Directory

  • Share content and info about the platform

  • Benefit from the rewards: monetary, commissions, features, marketing material and more.

To connect with the T&T Artists Community -

  • Like & comment on each other's posts

  • Respond to messages in the chat

  • Participate in events

It is a pleasure having you on the T&T Artists Directory. Looking forward to sharing your artistry and joining you art journey.

No more excuses, you can achieve your goals. You have our support!

Contact us today




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